
Communicate your research - Elevator Pitch and Science Storytelling, Nadine Lux


Beschreibung (deutsch)
Beschreibung (englisch)


Wednesday, 27.11.2024 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Thursday, 28.11.2024 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Graduate Academy, Mommsenstr. 7, seminar room 4 (basement)


Your research topic seems too difficult to communicate to lay-people? Presenting in front of an audience gives you stage-fright? Or you simply want to further your skills in how to communicate your research topic to a broader public? Then this workshop is for you!

We start Day 1 by looking at the current science communication landscape, discuss best-practice examples and work on texts for digital communication. Day 2 focuses on your individual research projects and lets you practice presenting skills, with the opportunity for personal feedback from the coach and your peers. We will also create science stories in groups of 3-4 people.

This 1,5-day workshop strives to enable you to present your research topic in a variety of academic and non-academic situations. It gives you opportunities to try out some "golden rules" for communication and develop your own solutions in the three exercise sessions: "Write it!" - "Tell it!" - "Pitch it!". In the exercises we will take a close look at how to write for webtexts, social and digital media. We will learn how to think visually and create storyboards for your research topic which you can use in scientific short presentations, such as Science Pitches.

With your registration you are required to accept the terms and conditions for participation.