
Writing Data Management Plans for Grant Proposals - How to best meet the Requirements of EU, DFG, BMBF and Co., Service Center Research Data (Kontaktstelle Forschungsdaten)


Beschreibung (deutsch)
Beschreibung (englisch)


Wednesday, 19.02.2025 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Online Workshop via Zoom - You will get the link to Zoom as well as further information by e-mail at least one day before the workshop.

You will need a stable internet connection, a camera and a microphone.

The online workshop will be held via the commercial service Zoom, which you will have to use voluntary and at your own risk. The GA accepts no liability under data protection law or otherwise.


Data is an essential part of research and therefore invaluable to researchers. Whether small sample or "Big Data", systematic research data management provides support for daily research practice and, in the context of good scientific practice, is a prerequisite for the reproducibility of scientific research and the re-use of data.

An effective approach to ensure the structured handling of data is the creation of a data management plan (DMP). In addition, almost all major funding agencies (DFG, EU, BMBF) require a DMP or a statement on the handling of research data in research proposals or as a deliverable during the project phase.

This talk is primarily aimed at researchers who are planning a research proposal in a collaborative project. We will first introduce the concept of a DMP, the requirements of the funding institutions and what a DMP should contain. We will discuss which points should be agreed in advance with the collaborators in a research project and what needs to be considered when writing DMPs.

This event is part of a training series on research data management and is offered in co-operation with the Service Center Research Data. Further events can be found on the websites of the Graduate Academy and the Service Center Research Data.

With your registration you are required to accept the terms and conditions for participation.