
Co-Supervision of Doctoral Candidates for Postdocs, Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf


Beschreibung (deutsch)
Beschreibung (englisch)


Tuesday, 03.12.2024 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Graduate Academy, Mommsenstr. 7, seminar room 4 (basement)


Doctoral researchers do an important part of the research. But when they start they are not independent researchers already – they need to learn. Supervision of doctoral researchers is therefore challenging because learning processes take place on several levels: in science, in communication, in collaboration etc. It is helpful to reflect on how to supervise and develop doctoral researchers in a way that enables them to produce the best possible results and to become independent researchers.  

On the second day you are invited to a single coaching session. This gives you the opportunity to talk about topics of individual interest. Appointments will be made at the end of the workshop.


  • Recruitment: how to find and how to select doctoral researchers.
  • How to clarify one's own expectations and criteria and how to bring them in line with expectations of doctoral researchers?  
  • How to develop doctoral researchers and how to enable them to be independent?
  • Feedback as a basic instrument: how to give motivating feedback and how to learn as supervisor out of doctoral researchers feedback?
  • Demotivation and setbacks: Ways to support doctoral researchers during typical challenges.
  • How to deal with conflicts and difficulties?
  • What are typical difficulties of doctoral researchers and what does it mean for supervisors and how to overcome them?
  • Grading of the dissertation.
  • Common mistakes of co-supervisors and how to avoid them.

With your registration you are required to accept the terms and conditions for participation.