
Grant Proposal Writing - How to Design and Communicate your Project Convincingly, Dr. Sabine Preusse


Beschreibung (deutsch)
Beschreibung (englisch)


Thursday, 21.11.2024 | 9 am - 12:30 pm

Friday, 22.11.2024 | 9 am - 12:30 pm

Thursday, 28.11.2024 | 9 am - 12:30 pm

Friday, 29.11.2024 | 9 am - 12:30 pm


Online Workshop via Zoom - You will get the link as well as further information by e-mail at least one day before the workshop.

You will need a stable internet connection, a camera and a microphone.

The online workshop will be held via the commercial service Zoom, which you will have to use voluntary and at your own risk. The GA accepts no liability under data protection law or otherwise.


Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programmes with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria. Thus, the detailed features and aspects of a successful proposal in one funding scheme are naturally differing from those of a successful proposal in another funding scheme. However, the process of how to work out these details is a common denominator to the different funding schemes. lt requires skills way beyond the ability to work out a research idea in detail.

Therefore, this workshop focuses on a) how to develop your idea for a project into a sound work programme, b) how to match it to the requirements of the funding programme and c) how to facilitate the communication with the reviewer by presenting your complex ideas in an easy-to-understand way.

To achieve this, we will try out the RaumZeit Toolkit for designing and communicating your research project convincingly by working on your own research project. This may be a new idea for a real grant proposal or your current research project.

Besides, you will obtain a lot of background information on different funding programmes, evaluation processes and potential pitfalls.


Session 1 – Funding programmes and how to read the documents: 9:00 to 12:30 pm (meeting room opens 8:45 am) incl. 15 minutes coffee break at around 9:30

Session 2 – Develop your idea into a work plan: 9:00 to 12:30 pm (Meeting room opens 8:45) incl. 15 minutes coffee break at around 9:30

Session 3 – Communicate your project convincingly: 9:00 to 12:30 pm (meeting room opens 8:45) incl. 15 minutes coffee break at around 9:30

Session 4 – Impact and Budget: 9:00 bis 12:30 pm (meeting room opens 8:45) incl. 15 minutes coffee break at around 9:30

Technical requirements:

  • Computer or laptop with mouse
  • One or two monitors ( mobile phone is too small)
  • Headset
  • The workshop room is using html5 and can just be accessed via a web browser. The system used is hosted in Germany and provided by netucate systems GmbH.
  •  Audio is definitely needed.
  •  Video would be great.
  •  Furthermore, for individual and group work you will use a conceptboard. This tool is provided by the German Digital Republic Media Group GmbH and is also hosted in Gemany.


Please make sure, that you have prepared an idea for a research project, for which you have not written a grant proposal yet. lf you do not have one you can work on your current research project.

With your registration you are required to accept the terms and conditions for participation.