
Negotiation Skills, Dr. Jan Schmidt


Beschreibung (deutsch)
Beschreibung (englisch)


Tuesday, 12.11.2024 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday, 13.11.2024 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Online Workshop via Zoom - You will get the link to Zoom as well as further information by e-mail at least one day before the workshop.

You will need a stable internet connection, a camera and a microphone.

The online workshop will be held via the commercial service Zoom, which you will have to use voluntary and at your own risk. The GA accepts no liability under data protection law or otherwise.


When is a negotiation actually successful? When we get everything we wanted to achieve - even if this means that the other person's concerns have not been taken into account? Or is it better not to ask for too much and to engage with the other person in order to "avoid causing  rouble"?

Of course, neither of these strategies is successful, especially in the long term. In both scenarios, a person's needs are not adequately considered, which will affect future co-operation. Successful negotiations aim neither to "win" nor to give in to the other person. The goal should be a "win-win" situation in which both parties see their needs taken into account. One approach that has proven its worth here is the Harvard model, which aims to achieve this: Not win, not compromise, but: win-win.

Aims of the workshop

• Defining "negotiation success": what does it really mean to successfully conclude a negotiation?

• Introduction of the Harvard model of negotiation: A detailed introduction to the Harvard model, which aims to create win-win situations.

• Overview of other approaches: A brief look at other negotiation models and strategies.

• Interpersonal dynamics: How do status games influence the course of dialogue and negotiation outcomes?

• Practice: Role plays and negotiation training with ChatGPT: Practical exercises and role plays to test the theoretical concepts in practice. Case studies are very welcome!

With your registration you are required to accept the terms and conditions for participation.